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Published by Ramon H. Enriquez RME, MIE&M

Ramon is a retired business executive with more than thirty-five (35) years of serving business organizations in the Philippines and abroad, desiring to share the wisdom that he has accumulated through the years of graduate-studies at AIT-Bangkok, affiliations with leading global industry associations, and working for leading local and global organizations that were based in Manila (national coverage), Bandar Lampung (Indonesia), Bangkok (APAC coverage), and Zurich (global coverage); on various capacities in the fields of: a.) supply chain management, b.) organizational project management, c.) plant operations management, d.) industrial and systems engineering, e.) purchasing management, f.) services marketing, and g.) management consulting. Since returning from graduate studies abroad in 1981, he has spent his evenings (barring scheduling conflicts) as a professional lecturer/resource speaker at several HigherEd institutions in Metro Manila, where he has shared the aforementioned expertise in conjunction with Systems Thinking, Case and Project-based teaching-learning approaches. MORE... https://sites.google.com/enriquezphil.net/strapppp/home?authuser=0